In order to better comprehend what is the key for adaptation to climate change to be integrated into regional and metropolitan areas policies, the partners of ADAPT MASTER will learn from several successful experiences in Europe during the project implementation. The Milan meeting represents the first interactive meeting of exchange of experiences will be representatives of Krononberg regions (SE), Baden-Württemberg … Read More
EEA Report ‘Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2016’
Released in January 2017, this Report form the European Environment Agency is an indicator-based assessment of past and projected climate change and its impacts, together with an assessment of risks and vulnerabilities of ecosystems, human health and society in Europe. The publication summarises key adaptation policy developments in Europe, at national and transnational levels and stresses the need for further … Read More
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy has published an online consultation on the EU cities’ expectations
The Covenant of Mayors Office, on behalf of the European Commission and with the support of the Committee of the Regions, is conducting a survey to collect the expectations of European cities towards possible capacity building activities offered by the Covenant of Mayors. The survey aims to provide the community the opportunity to report the type of assistance they need … Read More
The project MASTER ADAPT has started!
The project MASTER ADAPT (Mainstreaming Experiences at Regional and local level for ADAPTation to climate change) has started! The European Local Authorities are already experiencing the negative impacts of climate change and are expected to react quickly to protect territories, people and resources through the adoption of adaptation measures. MASTER ADAPT aims to meet these needs by identifying, testing and … Read More